p-ISSN: 1454-7848
e-ISSN: 2068-7176

Instructions for Authors

Instructions for authors


Manuscript criteria and information

Manuscripts and all attached files should be submitted in electronic format to the Editor-in-Chief at: secretariat.arpp@gmail.com.

The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter containing:

  • The statement on authorship,
  • The statement on ethical considerations,
  • The statement on financial disclosure.

Manuscripts are received under the understanding that they have the approval of each author, are not simultaneously submitted for another publication and have not been published previously in whole or substantial part. This policy applies to the essential contents, tables or figures, but does not apply to abstracts. Authors must disclose in their cover letters if the submitted manuscript contains any data, patient information or other materials or results that have already been published, are in press or have already been submitted.

Accepted manuscripts become the permanent propriety of the Romanian Journal of Psychiatry. They may not be republished without permission from the publisher.



All named authors should meet the criteria for authorship as stated in the ”Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” issued by the International Committee of Journal Editors (www.icmje.org).

The Romanian Journal of Psychiatry considers all authors to be responsible for the content of the entire paper.


Ethical consideration

If the scientific project involves human subjects or experimental animals, authors must state in the manuscript that the protocol has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution within which the research work was conducted. A statement of informed consent for human investigation should be made in writing along with the name of the institutional review board that approved the study protocol. Authors must ensure that patient confidentiality is no way breached. Do not use real names or disclose information that might identify a particular person without informed consent for publication. When clinical photographs of patients are submitted, written consent of the patient must be obtained prior to submission of the article and is the responsibility of the author. The editors reserve the right to reject a paper on ethical grounds. All authors are responsible for adhering to guidelines on good publication practice.


Financial disclosure

The authors should certify that:

  • All financial and material support for this research and work are clearly identified in the manuscript.
  • All the affiliations with or financial involvement (e.g. employment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, expert testimony, grants or patents received or pending, royalties) with any organization or entity with a financial interest or conflict with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript are completely disclosed here or in an attachment.
  • They have no relevant financial interests in this manuscript.

The absence of funding should also be declared. The statement on conflicts of interest will be published at the end of the paper. Please submit all requested signed documents by email to the Editor-In-Chief at: secretariat.arpp@gmail.com.


Peer-review process

When submitting a paper, a confirmation email is automatically sent back to the author. It contains a unique registration number used as referral in further correspondence.

Initially, the editorial team verifies whether the manuscript complies with editing instructions.     If the paper does not the necessary requirements, it is rejected and the corresponding author is notified to correct the errors. If all instructions for editing have been followed accordingly, the editor selects two reviewers that will independently evaluate the paper. They have high expertise in the ”peer-review” system and are well-known specialists in the field. The reviewers all have academic affiliations. The reviewer´s affiliation is usually different from the one of submitting authors.

The editor sends the paper in electronic form to each reviewer with the invitation to evaluate it within 30 days. The reviewers will analyze the paper from several perspectives such as clarity, significance, originality, quality, language and relevance. A scale from 1 to 5 is used, where 5 is excellent and 1 is poor. The reviewers score the paper accordingly and issue a recommendation. There are 4 possible recommendations:

  1. Accept without changes
  2. Accept with minor revision
  3. Accept with major revision
  4. Reject

The editor forwards the reviewer´s decision to the corresponding author with a statement that synthesizes the reviewers´ point of view. In the case of recommendation C, the authors have to send back the revised version of the manuscript within 15 days after they were notified by the editor. The editor follows the same procedure as the first submission and will receive from the reviewers a second recommendation, either A (approval of the revised version) or B/C (a new revision is needed). If B, a new submission process will start again within the same timeframes. The reviewers have only two options for their recommendation: A (approval) or D (rejection). Either decision is communicated to the authors immediately. Each 90 days, the Editorial Board holds a meeting and decides the publication order for the approved articles.



Scientific fraud is a rare event. However, it has a very serious impact on the integrity of the scientific community. If the Editorial Board uncovers possible evidence of such problems it will first contact the corresponding author in complete confidence to allow adequate clarification of the situation. If the results of such interactions are not satisfactory, the Board will contact the appropriate officials in the institution from which the manuscript originated. It is then left to the institution in question to pursue the matter appropriately. Depending on the circumstances, the Romanian Journal of Psychiatry may also opt to publish errata, corrigenda or retractions.


Manuscript preparation

            Romanian authors should send both English and Romanian version of the article, including title, abstract and key words. Foreign authors should send the English version of the article only.

Manuscripts must be prepared in conformity with the ”Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (www.icmje.org).

Please do not import tables or figures into the text document, but only specify their insertion in text (e.g. Table No 3 insertion). They have to be sent in separate files, named appropriate and descriptive.


Manuscript organization

First page should include the Article Title which should be short, specific and descriptive, emphasizing the main point of the article. Try to avoid a 2-part title. Do not number the title as I or Part I. Do not make a declarative statement in the title. Title length, including punctuation and spaces should be, ideally, under 100 characters and must not exceed 150 characters.

Second page should contain:

  1. First name, middle initials and surname of the authors, without any scientific, didactic or military degrees.
  2. Footnote that specifies the authors´ scientific titles, the name of their workplaces, contact details of the corresponding author (full address, e-mail address). Contact details will be published unless otherwise requested by the author.

Third page:

  1. Abstracts should not have more than 300 words. For original articles they should consist of five paragraphs labeled: Introduction, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
  2. Keywords with a maximum of 6 keywords (minimum 3) according to Index Medicus.

Next pages (for original articles) should be organized in:

  1. Introduction (no more than 25% of the text)
  2. Materials and methods have to be described in enough detail to permit reproduction by other teams. The same product names should be used throughout the text.
  3. Results should be presented concisely. Tables and figures should not duplicate text.
  4. Discussions should set the results in context and set forth the major conclusions of the authors. Information from the Introduction for Results should not be repeated unless necessary for clarity. The discussion should also include a comparison among the obtained results and other studies from the literature, with explanations or hypothesis on the observed differences, comments on the importance of the study and the actual status of the investigated topic, unsolved problems, questions to be answered in the future.
  5. In addition to the customary recognition of non-authors who have been helpful to the work described, the Acknowledgements section must disclose any conflicts of interests.
  6. Abbreviations should be preceded by the full term at their first apparition in text. A list of all used abbreviations shall be presented at the end of the article.
  7. References should be inserted and listed according to the Vancouver style.



Address to send the manuscripts is:



Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Cătălina TUDOSE

E-mail: secretariat.arpp@gmail.com


Executive editor: Senior Lecturer Dr. Valentin MATEI

E-mail: valipmatei@yahoo.com


Web Editor: Viorel Roman

E-mail: alian@artelecom.net


Print edition: www.e-psihiatrie.ro/revista

Online edition: www.romjpsychiat.ro